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Fever in a 11-months-old child

Dear expert team,
My daughter is 11 months old and has been diagnosed a few weeks ago. Now she has slight fever (37,8°C)…when shall I present her at the CF center? What should I do now? Many thanks!
Dear Mrs. S.,
you have an 11-months-old child, that has been diagnosed to suffer from CF only few time ago, who has noe a slightly increased body temperature of 37.8°C and you ask, when you should contact your CF center.
At first it has to be said, that a body temperature of 37.8°C at an 11-month-old child is not yet fever. Only from temperatures of 38,5°C onwards it deals with fever. Infections can show different forms in children with CF. Many CF children just show more cough. Other children have fever and in the following time it comes also to increased cough. In case of a baby like your daughter one would at least after 3 days of continuous cough or fever start with an antibiotic therapy. That means that you should at least after the second day in the afternoon or after the third day in the mornings get in contact with your CF center and discuss, what to do. In case the fever should start on Thursdays you should already get in contact on Friday with the CF center, as at the week-end it will be hard to reach anyone at the CF center.
It would be the best to get in contact with the physicians of your CF center about this.
I wish you and your daughter all the best,
Dr. H.-G. Posselt