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Organic hygiene products: with or without risk

I’m a 35 year-old CF mother.
I always had a sensitive and reactive skin and my daughter is like me.
To find some natural products was not very easy, so I opted for more natural hygiene products, and I bought organic products "URTEKRAM®" for the body, the shampoo, the deodorant.
But can I really use them serenely, without bacteriological risk?
Thank you for your answer!
There is to my knowledge no bacterial colonization known by cosmetics used at home.
A contamination always remains possible and is unpredictable even if the sanitary conditions are gathered. You should not especially feel guilty.
It is always very difficult to choose a cosmetic by its chemical composition.
It seems that we can trust the old label URTEKRAM® as this company distributes these products for years with no known problems.
Y Kerneur