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Water from the tap

My daughter has CF. She wants to use the water from the tap. Would this be possible if she uses a waterfilter?
Best regards,
Dear questioner,
to my knowledge, there are no studies on the risk of a transmission of germs via tap water. Therefore there are different ("expert")- opinions concerning the use of tap water, depending on who your are asking.
In case of the usage of waterfilters there is a theoretical risk of contamination with germs. Some comercial companies have added silver ions to the filter, in order to reduce/dehort a potential growth of germs.
The tapwater in middle Europe has a very good quality. Theoretically the usage of tapwater is therefore unproblematic, in order one takes some things into account: the water should run for about 1 min before usage. Furthermore the water jet should not be aimed directly to the siphon, in order to avoid the formation of aerosols from the siphon.
For the said reasons, it is difficult to make a general recommendation, if your daughter could use the tapwater with or without filter.
Best regards,
Jörg Steinmann