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Filter for drinking water

Dear expert team,
I am going to travel to Sweden.
My question: What is your opinion concerning the following filter for drinking water? [side inGerman]
Can a CF patient with this device drink water from rivers without worrying? Or is the risk still very high, to drink bacteria with using this device?
Many thanks for your advice.
Best regards,
Dear questioner,
many thanks for the interesting question. In the link that you provided it is written, that via the "Sawyer mini filter" nealry all harmfull bacteria and protozoa are removed. When reading the details, it is said, that the size of the pores is 0.1 micrometers and that 99.99999% of bacteria (e.g. Salmonella, Cholera, E. coli) and protozoa (giarida, cryptosporidia) are removed.
In my opinion, these Statements are not very precise and are not proved by references/citations. Concerning the named germs it deals with microorganisms, that cause mainly diarrhoea. In case of CF patients, it deals mainly with the prohibition of Pseudomonas or other "CF-typical microorganisms", in order not to be long-term colonized/ to be infected. About these CF specific germs, there is no information concerning the filters for drinking water. It is furthermore important to know, how often the filter is changed.- There is always a risk, that bacteria remain in the filter and multiply.
There is no scientific data how high the risk is indeed, to aquire bacteria via drinking of water from rivers. About the water quality in Sweden, there is no data known to me, respectively one does not get any information. Due to the non-existing data, I cannot make a clear recommendation. I personally would rather dehort from the usage of such a water filter system for "outdoor journeys".
Best regards,
Jörg Steinmann