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Endoscopy of the gut

Today I had an endoscopy of the gut. This was done, after I had lost uncontrolled greater amounts of stool in short time intervals. I am a 54-year-old CF patient in a relatively good health condition with an FEV1 of 50-65% (this varies according to the season) and I suffer i.a. from seizures (once a grand-mal seizure).
My question concerns the endoscopy of the gut, as it was done under propofol. During the investigation I was “wakened”, because I had a strong cough and therefore they were not able to operate the 1.5 cm large pediculated tumor in the terminal ileum. However, biopsies were taken. Furthermore it reads…”during the investigation there was a marked prolapse of the rectum about 10cm, triggered by the cough.”
I still felt not well after the investigation due to the still bothering cough. On my question, how it could happen like this, the doctor said, it might most probable be due to my illness of CF.
I now searched the internet and found that propofol has a frequent side effect cough and seizures. Why do I have to fill in 4 pages of history, if nobody reacts to it…one could have given me cough suppressant (codein) or is this forbidden during such a procedure?
Now I have come through the torture, however the polypi are still there and should be removed together with the rectopexy in general anaesthesia. An operation with our diagnosis and also in my age is always accompanied with special risks…I am afraid of this.
What do you recommend, another endoscopy? With another drug, in order to remove the polypi? And what is concerning the prolapse, there are alternatives, one could try bio-feedback training.
Much information and also a bit confused…however I hope, that I get advice never the less, how I could proceed the best.
Many thanks
Dear questioner,
yes, as you say yourself „much information but also a bit confused..“, what is understandable after the things you experienced with the gut endoscopy. Unfortunately we cannot give you a medical advice, as we only inform via the Intnernet. I recommend, however, possibly with the help of your CF physician in charge, to have counseling with specialists. First of all, you have to clarify your general anesthesia risk with your CF physician (lung function, blood gases, other CF complications…etc.). Only then, a common decision can be made with the surgeon and anaesthetist. The indication for a rectopexy can not made by us. If conservative measures are possible in your case, can only decide the surgeon. Probably the advice of a gastroenterologist might be helpful concerning the removal of polypi. In order to make the further procedures more easy for you and that it does not remain “confused”, please delegate the coordination of talks to your CF physician, alternatively to your general practitioner, he will for sure be able to help you.
I hope to have helped you a bit with my answer and stay with my best regards,
Dr. med. Christina Smaczny