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could I get some information about Quinsair® (inhalation of levofloxacin)? Since when it is on the market, how, where and when is can/should be used?
Best regards,
the drug Quinsair® (levofloxacin for inhalation) has been licensed in April 2016 and can be bought via the pharmacy. Levofloxacin is an antibiotic drug for inhalation, a fluorchinolon, with a broad spectrum against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. It should be used for chronic lung infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in adults with CF.
In the comparative study relevant for licensing (MPEX-209), levofloxacin has been compared to the standard therapy tobramycin over 3 treatment cycles concerning efficacy and safety. Quinsair® showed a comparable improvement of the FEV1 value and also showed in the study a positive influence on the vital capacity and the frequency of exacerbations. In the performed studies a good toleration of the drug could be shown. The most frequent side effect is impairment of tasting, which is going to get much less in the course of therapy.
Quinsair® is inhaled 2 times a day. According to the manufacturer, the inhalation is lasting 5 minutes each with the Pari eflow and a special nebulizer that is packed together with the inhalation solution. The solution does not have to be stored in the refrigerator. Quinsair is licensed for an on/off therapy. That means, that the drug is inhaled for 28 days, then a pause follows. In general, also a change with tobramycin, colistin or aztreonam is possible; these are the 3 other drugs that are licensed for the therapy of chronic lung infections caused by Pseudomonas aerugionsa in adults with CF.
Best regards,
Wolfgang Gleiber