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Symptoms in case of CF carriers

Dear experts,
My nephew is suffering from CF. I myself have not been tested, if I am a carrier.
Two years ago, I had the accidental finding of an IPMN (intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasia) in the pancreas. These had been removed via a Whipple operation. At the control investigation, now again a widening of the pancreatic duct has been found and another operation is in discussion. Can it be that I am a carrier for CF and therefore cysts are forming in my pancreas, that secrete mucus? Are these cysts the same as IPMNs (concerning the danger, that they turn to be malignant)?
Many thanks for the information,
malignant tumors of the pancreas are more frequent in CF patients as in healthy people. Unfortunately there is extremely few literature and information about IPMN and CF respectively CF Heterozygotes, so that I can say not much about this. An IPMN is described in a patient with CF after lung transplantation. The cysts in the pancreas, that occur in some CF patients, have however nothing to do with IPMN.
You can have of course a test done, if you have a case of CF in the family.
Best regards
J. Bargon