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Adjustment of Kreon dosage to vitamins


How to adjust the dose of Kreon to take it according to prescribed vitamins?

Let me explain: if our children should take 1 capsule of A313, which therefore makes 50 000 IU of vitamin A, must we match the dose of Creon and give 5 capsules of Creon 12000 (+ the number of capsules based on course meal)?

For taking 3 doses of ADEC in the morning: it is 12 000 IU between vitamins A and D, it takes 2 capsules at breakfast? (1 for vitamins, one for breakfast so little fat)?

Is it really a correspondence between IU (international units) vitamin marked on boxes (ADEC Uvestérol, A313 etc), and UI on the box Creon (U lipase activity 12,000 Ph Eur.)?

Thank you in advance for your clarification, this point is not clear to us.

When speaking of Creon 12 000, it means that the capsule contains 12,000 IU of lipase (pancreatic enzyme).
The capsule A313 contains 50 000 IU of vitamin A. There is no correspondence between them; they just use the same unit of measurement.
Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat-soluble vitamins, that is to say they bind to the fats to be absorbed. They must therefore be taken during a meal containing fat and taken with pancreatic extracts.
The dose of pancreatic enzymes should not be adapted to vitamins but to fat content of the meal. By adapting the amount of pancreatic extracts according to the fat richness of the meal, vitamins attached to lipids will also be properly absorbed.

Best regards
Dr Michèle Gérardin