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Recommended amount of eurobiol® 25000u

I am a mother of a 11-year-old child with CF (mutation Fd508). I reside in Morocco. I would like to know the number of eurobiol® 25000 unit capsules recommended for children of his age, depending on the amount of lipids in his diet. His diet is well balanced. Here below the amount of fat taken at each meal:
-Breakfast: 30g
-Lunch: 35g
-Collation: 20g
-Dinner: 25g
Thank you in advance for your help.

In CF patients with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, the intake of pancreatic extracts (PE) at each meal is essential, providing in particular the lipase necessary for the digestion of the lipids.

The amount of pancreatic enzymes required may vary from patient to patient. The recommended dosage is 500 to 4000 IU of lipase per gram of lipid.

In the case of your child, this corresponds to 1 to 3 capsules (at 25000 U) per meal, not to exceed 10000 U lipase per kg of child weight per day.

The conditions for taking PE are very important to note:
- taken at the beginning of the meal, or at the beginning and in the middle if the meal is long,
- do not to crunch the granules,
- also give EP in case of additional snacks,
- increase the dose in case of high-fat meals.

The diet should be balanced but keep a certain flexibility regarding the intake according to the appetite of the child and the family menu, lipid intake being rarely the same every day! The amount of PE should be adjusted to the fat content of the meal. If you had more low-dose EP capsules, such as EPs at 12000 U lipase per capsule, this would allow for a finer adjustment of the dosage.

In all cases, attention should be paid to certain signs: good weight gain, absence of abdominal pain and bloating, normal non-fatty stools are evidence of good absorption, EP according to the needs of the child.

Best regards
Dr. Michèle Gérardin