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Pseudomonas in gingival sulci

in the answer from Dr. Mainz about the sinu-nasal inhalation I read about the possibility of the persistance of Pseudomonas in gingival sulci. I have indeed a bad dental status and also some dental crowns made of synthetic material.
Now I would like to adress this topic urgently, in order to get rid of those possible sources for Pseudomonas. Do you have any recommendations how to clean up the oral cavity in this case?
I have talked with my dentist about this. He proposed to have a dental cleaning and a cleaning of the dental sulci done with ultrasound and after this to put 2% chlorhexidin gel in the gingival sulci for a short time. He would take out the dental crowns made of synthetic material and have them cleaned in an ultrasound bath.
What do you think about this? Would an ultrasound device and an ultrasound bath kill possible Pseudomonas bacteria? My research in the internet revealed that ultrasound does not harm Pseudomonas. How could one otherwise clean up the gingival sulci?
Is 2% chlorhexidin gel a sufficient anti-bacterial substance against Pseudomonas or can you recommend something else? Are there any substances, that kill PA, that could directly be used or that could be used to rinse the ginigval sulci?
And how can one avoid another transmission during the treatment at the dentist?
I would be very pleased about advice!
the cleaning of gingival sulci via ultasound and hand instruments (so-called curettage) combined with anti-bacterial rinsings (e.g. chlorhexidin or 3% hydrogen peroxide) is very suitable to reduce the bacterial colonization markedly. It is important, to have a regular prophylaxis afterwards viaon the one hand the patient himself (e.g. good oral hygiene and the usage of dental floss and interdental brushes) and on the other hand via professional dental cleaning.
In case of the suspcion of the persistance of problematic germs (especially anaerobic ones), also a systemic therapy with special antibiotics could be necessary. However, than it would be recommendable, to have a testing of the germs done before via a swab from the dental sulci, in order to choose a targeted antibiotic, furthermore in your case one could also look especially after Pseudomonas.
I can hardly imagine anything under the term of dental crowns made of synthetic material that can be removed; in general I think, that a piece that is cleaned, disinfected and dried, will hardly have bacterial colonization afterwards.
Best regards,
Michael Sies