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Pancreatic insufficiency


We have just got to know that our 2-month-old CF daughter is pancreatic insufficient. Yet, nourished by breastfeading, she has, for 2 months, gained a lot of weight. Could it not be a mistake? If she can't assimilate the fat, how has she gained weight since birth?

Thank you for your reply.

Your child has just been diagnosed with insufficiency of the pancreas, which means that she does not produce enough pancreatic enzymes to completely digest milk lipids and proteins.

Nevertheless, some babies compensate this by feeding themselves more, and are very voracious. This is no doubt the case of your daughter, who perhaps takes voluminous and frequent feedings.

With the introduction of pancreatic enzyme therapy, with better absorption of nutrients, there is often a spontaneous decrease in dietary intake and a satisfactory weight gain.

Best regards
Dr. Michèle Gérardin