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Kreon® and breastfeeding


My daughter is 1 year old and suckles day and night in a more or less brief way.
I read that breast milk contained pancreatic enzymes. Because of this, for fear of giving too much and because of fatigue at night, I stopped giving her Kreon® for a few days during feedings. But I give it to her when she drinks artificial milk. What do you think ?

Best regards

In case of pancreatic insufficiency, pancreatic extracts (Kreon®) are also necessary for breast milk intake.

On the other hand, if feedings are very frequent, "on demand", it can be difficult to manage catches of pancreatic extracts. At the age of one year, it would be desirable to reorganize her meals and feeds in order to limit them to 4 or 5 meals or daily snacks. You will give the pancreatic extracts at the beginning of each meal or feeding, without exceeding the maximum recommended by your CF center.

Do not hesitate to discuss the management of meals and breastfeeding with the dietician of the CF Center, to be accompanied at this stage.

Best regards
Dr. Michèle Gérardin