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Vitamins and CF

My 6-year-old CF son was diagnosed only last year. We don't live in France however we could visit a CF Center in France on 2 occasions.
He has ADEK, E and D vitamins from the beginning (after blood test) and K vitamin for 3 months (without any blood test).
Do I have to give him vitamins all the time or do I have to repeat the blood tests to see if he still needs?
I am a little lost because I cannot return to the CF Center and I know parents of a CF child who only gave certain vitamins for a limited time to their children.
Thank you very much for this forum.
Dear questionner,

In the most common CF forms, patients have an abnormality of fat digestion secondary to exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. This is associated with poor digestion and fat absorption.

Vitamins A, D, E and K, known as fat soluble, suffer the same fate as other "fats": they are often poorly digested and then absorbed. Their blood levels are often low. Food intake is often not sufficient. It is therefore recommended a continuously additional intake of these vitamins. The doses are adapted after blood tests carried out at least once a year.

If pancreas allows the digestion of fat, it's not always necessary to give A, D, E and K vitamins in addition to those provided by the diet.

Best regards,
Dr. Philippe Reix