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Travel to Africa


What are the precautions to take on vacation in Africa (Mali) for a 2-months-old CF baby?
We have planned bottled water to avoid water from the well and also batteries for the nebulizer.
The most annoying for us would be 1) the meals that will not necessarily be enriched in fat and 2) hygiene quite relative.
Thank you.

A travel project in Africa with a CF baby is a decision that must be well matured, because of the risks involved. It's indeed important to anticipate and plan in advance.

Numerous parameters have to be taken into account: age and clinical situation of the child, length of flight, sanitary conditions (hygiene, access to drinking water, hospital infrastructure), climate, special vaccinations necessity , malaria prophylaxis, organization for bronchial drainage...

In the case of Mali, the risks are undeniable: risk of dehydration by loss of water and salt in hot climate, infectious risk, insufficient health structures, lack of knowledge of the pathology. These risks must be taken into consideration, in view of the expected benefits.

I urge you to discuss this project with the CF team following your child.

Best regards

Dr. Michèle Gérardin