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To empty out the dishwasher/ washing machine

our daughter is nearly one year old. 3 months ago, we got the diagnosis CF deltaF508. At the moment, she likes to help in the household very much. This includes to emtpy out the washing machine and especially to empty out the dishwasher.
Is she allowed to help or are there too many germs?
Many thanks for your answer.
Dear questioner,
many thanks for this interesting question. To my knowledge, there are no studies on the risk of transmission of germs via washing machines and dishwashers.
For both machines it is true, that using them at more than 60°C is better killing bacteria and fungi than using them at 30°C or 40°C. Frequent cleaning of the dishwasher (filter and joints) also helps to keep the germ load small. For emptying out the dishwasher I regard it as important, that the dishwasher cools down after usage, as there should not be humidity left when it is opened.
In general, it is difficult to judge the risk. I think, however, if you take the above mentioned issues into account, that the risk is very small and your daughter can help in the household.
Best regards,
Jörg Steinmann