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Travel to Mali


I am very worried because my husband wishes to take our 1 year-old-daughter to Mali this summer for 1 month.
Knowing that they will go to a very remote village without running water (they use water from the well) or electricity.
Dad thinks he can manage while she has Tobi aerosols to do 2x a day and that the nebulizer runs on electricity. And how to keep pancreatic enzymes under sometimes 35-40 degrees?
In the same way, he will not, in my opinion, be able to enrich its diet with fat or to ensure a strict hygiene because no bleach etc.
In short, what risks my daughter if she leaves anyway?

The trip to Mali under the conditions you describe actually involves risks for a 1 year old girl and especially if she has cystic fibrosis.
The risks are especially dehydration which can cause a severe heat stroke by loss of salt more than water because of the salt richness of the sweat in individuals with cystic fibrosis.
Solutions can be found for hygiene, in particular by boiling water used for cooking, rinsing vegetables and fruits and, above all, for drinking water.
Pancreatic enzymes should have to be stored away from heat and at temperatures below 25 ° Celsius.
I urge you to consult the CF centre team to prepare this trip if it is really necessary. It may refer to the travel recommendations that have been published in English and French. They can be downloaded by clicking on the following link:

Hope this answer can help.
Best wishes
Gilles RAULT, MD, Roscoff CF Center