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Reverse osmosis device

Dear expert team,
we are planning to install in our home a reverse osmosis filter device. There are two alternatives offered:
1. Standard device, that uses a 10 liter storage, that is normally filled always automatically and from which the rinsed water can be taken out quickly
2. „Direct flow“ device, without storage, that provides rinsed water about 1 to 1,5 litres per minute, therefore less comfortable
Question: are there any concerns if our CF grandchild is visiting us and have both devices to be judged differently concerning the risk of contamination with germs? What would you recommend?
Many thanks for your advice.
indeed numbers about the frequency of contamination with germs of such water rinsing systems are not known to me. If your main water supply is rinsed like this, there would be constantly consumption and therefore the number of potential germs should be small, as the water is changed constantly. Probably the company can give you more precise information.
Best regards,
Prof. Dr. TOF Wagner