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Drain gutter for walk-in shower

Dear experts,
recently our bathroom has been renovated. A walk-in shower has been installed with a drain gutter (similar to those in swimming-pools). The drain gutter is covered. However, the siphon is quite large and water is standing in it. There are no windows in the bathroom. Can the stagnant warter be dangerous for our daughter? Should she avoid the bathroom?
Many thanks for your answer.
Dear questioner,
Drains, siphons and stagnant water are without doubt sources for humid germs like e.g. Pseudmonas aerugionsa, that play a special role in CF as infectious germs. In general it is difficult, to judge the risk in the concrete case for the risk of transmission of germs via aerosols respectively via the stagnant water. If the drain gutter and the siphon are covered, this is advantageous. If however the stagnant water is re-running back into the shower from the siphon, a potentail source of germs woud be possible (direct contact). The airing of the room via opening of a window, has no effect on the germ load of microorganisms in the stagnant water.
In general the risk of transmission depends on many factors (e.g. germ load, contact time, susceptibility of the patient etc.). For the above mentioned reasons, it is difficult to make a general recommendation, if your daughter should avoid the bathroom.
Best regards,
Jörg Steinmannm