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Salin Plus

did you ever hear anything about SALIN plus?
Are there any experience reports about that?
Here is the link:

A friend has drawn my attention to it and I would like to know if something like that makes sense or is nonsense. To me it sounds as if that would be a good supplemetary measure. I would be pleased to get a feedback.
there are some manufacturers who sell devices to humidify the air, to ionize the air or to drily load the air with salt. Scientific data, which show a beneficial effect of those devices, are lacking. In particular the halotherapy is not proven as to be effective.
On the by you mentioned homepage the inhalation of hypertonic saline (Wark, P.A.B. and V. McDonald (2004), "Nebulised Hypertonic Saline for Cystic Fibrosis," Cochrane Review (abstract), is mentioned in a misleading way under "tests and studies". In fact this is a highly effective therapy in CF, which has precisely nothing to do with SalinPlus. Here the company adornes itself with borrowed plumes.
Yours sincerely,
Prof. Dr. TOF Wagner