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Can Azithromycin be used for CF children treatment? How does it work?
Dear questioner,

Macrolide antibiotics such as Azithromycin have been shown to modify CF lung disease. It seems to have significant anti-inflammatory effects, which appear to be independent of his anti-bacterial effects and may prove to be useful the inflammatory components to CF lung disease. In studies Azithromycin seemed to have improved lung function and to minimize exacerbations in some patients.

The available data allows to make a general recommendation for the chronic use of Azithromycin in patients with CF who are 6 years of age and older and with Pseudmonas aeruginosa persistenly present in the cultures of the airways. For children younger than 6 years and chronic colonization with Pseudomonas, there is not enough data available to general recommend the use of Azithronmycin. In those cases this stays a single case decision of the doctors in charge.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Sigitas Dumcius