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Lung transplantation

I am aware that my son 21 years who has CF will need lung transplant . Where and how could I record my son for transplant. We are from Moldavian Republic .
We apologize for the delayed answer. Unfortunately, in our country is not set up yet the lung transplant network, being still in development.

We tried to get some more information about this by consulting other experts, working on a European level. Unfortunately, the prospects for a patient from Moldavian Republic of getting a lung transplantation abroad are not good. Theoretically there are two centers in Europe taking foreign patients, one in Vienna, Austria and one in Palermo, Italy. The center in Vienna takes only patients from the surrounding countries having an arrangement with their clinic to donate organs. We did not get any feedback from the Italian Center if they take patients form the Moldavian Republic.

The problem is that clinics want to prevent that rich people get the transplant before/in place of poorer locals because of economical reasons. Therefore the rules for transplantation for foreign patients are very strict. Further very severe problems are the question of who is paying the enormous cost (it may be that the patient has to provide the money) and the important point of a care before and after the transplant. As after the transplant frequent investigations and special drugs are necessary, the patient has either to stay a longtime near the transplant clinic or travel frequently a long journey to have all the investigations done.

So we are very sorry that we cannot promise you an easy and safe procedure of getting a transplant abroad.

If there is a National Cystic Fibrosis Center in your country, you may try to contact it that they can facilitate you with networking transplant centers. You may also contact CF Europe who is trying to improve the access to care in your region.

If you have any question about cystic fibrosis we would be happy to help you.
We wish you a lot of luck,
team ECORN Romania
