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Protection from light-toxic skin reaction with Ciprofloxacin

Which sunscreens provide protection from light-toxic reactions when taking Ciprofloxacin, so that one can still go skiing or spend time outdoors in the Spring and Summer?

from a dermatological perspective, the answer is (unfortunately) crystal clear: phototoxic substances must be discontinued immediately, since otherwise exposure to light is dangerous.

As for the concrete case of an antibiotics therapy, this is usually a short-term measure and should be carried out before one “plans” intensive sun exposure.

Light protection should always happen with a product that blocks both UV-B *and* UV-A rays (see specifications on the package). In case of doubt, I recommend buying an adequate product at the pharmacy, not at a drugstore or similar.

Note: I did not find any reference to phototoxic reactions to Ciprofloxacin in the current red list.

Kind regards
Prof. H. Boehncke