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Pregnancy with CF

Dear expert team,
many thanks for your numerous helpful clues you have already given! Especially I want to confirm your assumption, that oral mucolytics (e.g. acetylcysteine) could have a negative influence in case of wishing to have a baby: in december, after many years of (almost) continous intaking of acetylcysteine, I had no drug anymore and I "missed" to get a prescription for 3 months. In the meantime I am pregnant in the second month! The assumption seems sensible that there is a connection, especially as we tried to get pregnant 2 years ago without sucess (even with insemination).
Probably you could give this tip to other couples who wish to have a baby.
Yours sincerely,
Dear questioner,
Acetylcysteine can be problematic for getting pregnant, because it can theoretically influence the transport of the egg.

Congratulations to your pregnancy,
Dr. A.-U. Stücker