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Cystic Fibrosis and sex ?

Hello, my name is Jokke and I have a question about Cystic Fibrosis and sex. My girlfriend has Cf and we’ve had a couple of times (oral) sex. But since I’m seeing her I also have trouble with mucus in my throat what I spit out. The mucus is rather thick but I can manage to spit it out after swallowing a few times. It is getting annoying and I’m getting worried I might have CF as well. I read it is not contagious but because I only recently started having this problem, it seems suspicious to me. During the oral sex I obviously swallowed some vaginal fluid so I’m wondering if there could be a link. I’m a bit worried. Greetings Jokke and thank you in advance.
Dear questioner,
As you mention yourselve, CF is not contagious so you don’t have to be worried.
Yours sincerely,
Prof. K. deBoeck