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I’m a 21 year old girl. My brother has cystic fibrosis. I’m a carrier of this disease and I’m looking up a lot of information about this. CF patients have a problem with sinusitis and nasal polyps. Is this always due to thick secretions? Thank you.
Dear questioner,
As you already suggest in your question, there is indeed a certain analogy between the lung problems and the sinus- and nasal problems in CF. The nasal cavities (sinuses) are covered with cells that we call ‘mucosa’. Already early in life, thick secretions can build up on the mucosa of the nose in CF-patients, and just as in the lungs these are difficult to remove and can lead to blocking of the connection between the nose and the sinuses. As a consequence thick secretions build up in the sinuses. The presence of these secretions predispose to bacterial infection in the sinus. In some people, the inflammation that goes along with this infection will lead to the formation of nasal polyps. Nasal polyps are just thickened mucosa that prolapse from the sinus to within the nasal passages. For more information on the nose and sinus problems in CF, you can read up other ecorn questions on this topic (under "accompanying diseases").
Best greetings.
M. Proesmans