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In the book „Cystic Fibrosis in Practice“ by „Věra Vávrová et al.,“ there is a note (p. 64) that a good combination for inhalation is amiloride with uridintriphosphate. Among other things it is mentioned that uridintriphosphate is not available here. I would like to ask whether this is still the case, whether it is still not available (and for which reasons), and whether it is really such a good medication as stated in the book. Thank you
Efforts to influence salt content and with it the water in liquids on airway
surfaces, making it easier for the cilia to move and improve what experts
call "mucociliary clearance," has led for many years to tests of various
substances. Among these is amiloride, which influences the transport of
sodium through the cell membrane on the airway surface, as well as
uridintriphosphate, which has an effect on chloride transport. Amiloride is
used in some centres of the world, but its therapeutic effectiveness in CF
has not yet been proven and further trials are needed to answer all
questions and especially to find a long term variante of this therapy (the
medicine's efficacy is short-term and for optimal effects it would be
necessary to inhale it several times a day, at 3 to 4 hour intervals).
Therefore other formulations of the drug are being sought, and there is hope
for a powder form of the medication. Uridintriphosphate and a number of
related derivatives, so-called triphosphate nucleotides, are still in the
clinical trials stage and are not commonly available, neither here nor
elsewhere in the world. Suitable combinations with amiloride have been the
subject of clinical trials, which precede every new medication for a number
of years before introducing it into practice. Searching and testing are
underway for the most suitable "relatives" of uridintriphosphate, but it
will take a very long time before these formulations appear on pharmacists'
Best regards, Vera Vavrova
