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Is it possible that Kreon leads to loss of appetite?

Hello, I want to ask, if Kreon decreses appetite. I have a 5 years old son, who was without any food problems but after starting to take Kreon his appetite started to decrease and after about 3/4 of a year his appetite is minimal and I am scared to force him not to create a food aversion. Thanks, Ivana.
Kreon and other medications used for supplementation of missing pancreatic enzymes do not change appetite by themselves. But it is possible, that a child before starting of a therapy, has lack of pancreatic enzymes. It takes plenty of food because it does not digest it all. After starting of a pancreatic enzymes supplementation therapy, digestion is better and amounts of food decrease. Appetite should not be minimal and a child should not be forced to eat.
For correct answer to Your question we will need to know – at what age and with what symptoms was CF diagnosed in Your child and especially level of elastase 1 in stool – that means if Your child is pancreatic insufficient. Because it is known that about 15 % of CF patients have normal function of pancreas.
Best regards, Vera Vavrova and Jitka Brazova