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Swine flu

My daughter has CF and she is going to school for the first time. I would like to know if she is going to get swine flu and how dangerous this may be because I am extremely worried.
Dear friend,
The children with CF belong to a high risk group for the development of complications after an infection due to seasonal flu. For this reason it is a standard practice for them to get the flu vaccine.
Generally speaking, the swine flu (or novel influenza H1N1), in Greece as well as abroad, is associated with a small percentage of complication in the general population, as much as an ordinary viral infection. However, in vulnerable groups, such as the children with CF, the complications may be more frequent and more severe.
For this reason I believe that the H1N1 vaccine (against the swine flu), which will offer protection and act as a preventive measure against the spreading of the virus, will soon be available. At the moment, it is most important for CF patients to get their seasonal flu shot. Regarding the novel influenza H1N1 we do not know yet if there will be a general recommendation to vaccinate all patients with CF, so we have to wait until the vaccination against influenza H1N1 will be available and see how the recommendations will be.

Yours friendly,
Dr. Stavros Doudounakis