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Anaemia caused by iron deficiency

Dear expert team,

I have an anaemia for a longer period of time (more than half a year), i.e. Hb value of approx. 11.2. My CRP is usually within the normal range, but just lately is was increased. My iron values are okay, except the iron value that is 8,9, – which means – at the limit of the normal range [remark by translator: the original German sentence also says “My iron values are okay, except the iron value…” which is confusing]. Transferrine and ferritine are okay. The transferrine saturation is slightly too low. However since the iron stores are completely in the normal range I assume that there is no iron deficiency that requires the intake of iron in the form of tablettes.
Is an iron deficiency existent if the iron values are too low in such a marginal way? Or in other words: Can this alone be the reason for an anaemia? My kidney values have been check with regards to the anaemia and are okay.
Thank you very much.
Thank you for your question.

However, this question cannot be answered easily. Generally, the ferritine is the indicator for clarifying the question of an iron deficiency anaemia, but as you write it seems to be normal in your case. Thus, a severe iron deficiency seems to be unlikely. Furthermore, you do not write how old you are and – which is even more important for the assessment – if you are female or male (Hb is gender-specific).
In principle, I tend to assume that the anaemia is probably provoked by repeated CF-caused infections, but in order to verify this, one would have to know the exact blood count. Therefore, I can only recommend you to discuss this question with your CF specialist who is informed about your progression of the disease.

Best regards,
Markus Hofer
Zurich, Switzerland