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Corrector- and Potentiator-drugs and male fertility

Dear expert team,
do correctors and potentiators such as VX 809 and VX 770 influence presumably the male fertility in case of delta F508 being positive? I do not expect a binding answer - assumably there will be no tests available at the moment - only if these new drugs could have theoretically an effect in this respect.
Many greeting from a CF-affected man
indeed there are no test-results available yet on this topic. However one has to assume that the infertility of male CF-patients will not be influenced by the correctors and potentiators. The underlying infertility at most male patients is the consequence of a two-side aplasia of the spermatic ducts (congenital bilateral aplasia of the vasa deferentia, CBAVD). Without spermatic ducts, the sperm cells that are indeed produced in the testicles cannot reach the ejaculate. Therefore we have a so-called azoospermia in the ejaculate. The development of the spermatic ducts begins already in the fetus. One cannot assume, that the treatment with drugs will lead to the development of spermatic ducts in males or boys with CF. Some few males with CF are fertile, because they have mutations, that cause however on the one hand CF, but do not lead in any case to a CBAVD. However in most of the male patients (round about 99%) there is an underlying CBAVD. In such cases a few children can be only conceived with the help of an assited reproduction, that means, with a biopsy of the testicle it is claryfied, if spermatic cells are present (very often the case), and the gained spermatic cells can be used for an in-vitro fertilization of the female partner. Detailed information about the possibilities of treatment and the underlying risks are given in fertility consultation-hours and genetic information centers.
With kinds regards,
Prof. Dr. Stuhrmann-Spangenberg