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Mine / flowstone cave

Dear experts,

can a CF student go to a mine and a flowstone cave during a school excursion, or is this not advisable due to the germ situation? I would particularly imagine the flowstone cave to be a germ source par excellence.

Thank you for the information.
Dear questioner,

you are asking whether it could be a problem for a student who has CF to visit a mine or a flowstone cave during a school trip. Your concern is understandable, since these are unusual places. However, mines or flowstone caves are not known to have an exceptionally high bacterial exposure. Germs such as Pseudomonas or fungi are to be found everywhere in humid areas, and the risk of a heightened bacterial load is rather low there. I would therefore not consider these places a particular risk. Some flowstone caves even offer regimens for asthma patients. I hope the student will have an interesting trip!

Kind regards
Barbara Kahl.