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Gran Canaria

Dear expert team,

we will go to Gran Canaria for a holiday and are looking for an emergency address there for our daughter (two years old, CF).

Thanks in advance!

the German Cystic Fibrosis Society (Mukoviszidose e.V.) is organizing "climate vacations" for CF patients in Gran Canaria. In case of need, participants can contact the following address:

Hospital Materno Infantil
Av. Maritima del Sur
E- 35016 Las Palmas de Grande Canaria
Phone: 0034-928-444 500
Contact person: Dr. Luis Pena

The following hospital:

Clinica Rocca (private)
Buganvilla 1
San Augustino
Tel. 0034-928-769004

is somewhat familiar with CF due to the participants mentioned above. In situations which you can assess yourself, this clinic can help as well.

Have a nice trip without any incidents,
kind regards

Birgit Dembski