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Pseudomonas stutzeri

Dear Sirs and Madams,

there is a lot of information on CF and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. My son (10 years old) was diagnosed with Pseudomonas stutzeri. I can hardly find any information on this.

Can this strain be treated by inhalation with Tobi®, and is eradication as difficult as with P. aeruginosa?

Many thanks.
Dear questioner,

like Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas stutzeri belongs to the group of so-called “non-fermenting” germs from the Pseudomonad family, which are very common water bugs. P. stutzeri can occasionally be detected in CF patients. No chronically persistent infections have been described, however. This germ does not form any mucoid colonies either. Therefore, one does not have to pay too much attention to this germ, and it usually vanishes without treatment.

Barbara Kahl