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We have a 15-month-old son who suffers from cystic fibrosis. We have the option of relocating to Mallorca, or otherwise to only spend the winter months there. Would you consider this to be an advantage for our son’s health due to the milder climate?

Many thanks in advance.

to be honest, this question is very hard to answer. It is known that CF patients often benefit from short-term stays in such climate. Sometimes, however, the positive effects are not permanent if one lives in these climatic conditions long-term. A general assessment is therefore difficult, as is judging whether these positive effects are not cancelled out by the fact that one gives up permanent care provided by a CF care team at a CF center. I cannot comment on the structure of CF care in Mallorca, though, since I do not know what it is like. In any case, I would consider it of utmost importance to find out whether sufficient CF care is available there, and whether your son is actually eligible for it. If this was the case, the decision to take such a step would definitely be easier.

Best regards
Dr. O. Sommerburg
There is an idex of the CF-hospitals provided by the worldwide organization, Cystic Fibrosis Worldwide, CFW, For Palma de Mallorca the following adress can be found:

Hospital Son Dureta Dr. Juan Figuerola Mulet Andrea Doria 55 07014 Palma de Mallorca

However, it has to be taken into account, that the index has probably not been actualized for years, The mentioned doctor is possibly not working there anymore. Furthermore, this source does not give any information about the standard that is provided there.
Therefore, it would be advisable to write to the spanish CF-Organisation:

Mrs. Aisha Ramos (CEO)
Federación Española contra la FQ
C/Duque de Gaeta 56 - pta. 14
46022 Valencia
Telephone: 34.963318200
Fax: 34.963318208

This information was provided by B. Dembski.
D. d'Alquen