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Which sport?

Dear expert team,

I (19 years old, male) am a transplant and CF patient and feel quite well. Since I have repeatedly had sprained and torn ligaments in my feet, I am looking for a sport that is suited for me. Football and tennis would be fun for me, but they do not seem possible. What would you recommend?

Thanks for your effort!

Kind regards,
Dear Mika,

thank you for your question about a suitable sport for you. Of course, it is important particularly after a lung transplantation to exercise regularly to keep up both your physical and emotional fitness.

In principle, any type of sports that is done at a "healthy" rate is possible after a lung transplantation. We do, however, advise our patients against sports that bear an increased risk of infections; water sports in non-streaming waters (public pools) in particular often involve so-called aspirations and hence the risk of a relevant lung infection. Positively "safe" sports include cycling and jogging. I wonder, though, whether it would not be possible to still play soccer or tennis with appropriate shoes and support during practice.

Kind regards
Dr. Markus Hofer, Zurich lung transplant center