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Pseudomonas / home IV for a child (nearly 5 years) yes or no?

our dauhter is going to get her first IV because of Pseudmonas. We have inhaled antibiotics until now for about 2 months and took antibiotic suspension. Unfortunately the germ is still present in a moderate number. Now our doctor proposed and IV. We would be interested in the advantages / disadvantages and if it makes sense according to your opinion to support a home IV.
from your question and the accompanying hints I conclude, that your daughter should receive the IV-therapy due to a "first colonization" with Pseudmonas, after the oral therapy and the inhalation therapy did not show any success.
The advantages and disadvantages of home or hospital IV-therapy in case of pronounced lung changes are discussed controversially in CF. At a so-called eradication therapy only technical aspects count.
At a nearly 5-year-old child one has to ask, how the conditions of the veins are and if the child is extremely irritated because of taking blood or infusions and reacts repulsing. In such a case a frequent change of the iv-line has to be taken into account. In such a situation I would propose the hospital stay. Are the conditions of the veins good and the child relatively "cool" against more intensive medical porcedures, a home iv therapy can be done without concerns.
The success is independent of the way of doing it as long as the planned time of therapy is maintained consequently.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. H.-G. Posselt