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Mouth spray

after I have read about diverse product recalls of nose sprays I ask myself, if the by me used mouth spray could probably also be contaminated (I change the type according to the offer).
I like to have it with me to be fresh when on travel - might it be harmful?
in general one assumes that in solutions for nose and/or mouth rinsings one has not to consider a contamination with pathogenic germs and therefore nothing spoke against the usage of those things in CF patients. Since the press reports of the pharmaceutical industry of the last 2-3 months dealing with the recall of products because of a possible contamination with the bacteria Burkholderia cepacia, one should not necessarily forgo the usage of nose and/or mouth sprays but it should be used more deliberately. This does not mean, that now every rinising or spray-solution is contamined. Products (certain batches) with possible conatminations have been recalled precautionary in Germany. According to the companies, strict control investigations in the procedure of production have been initiated.
Conclusion: Think about the usage of sprays and solutions and buy your products at a pharmacy, as there the newest pharmaceutical informations about the products are known.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Christina Smaczny