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Mould detection under the floor cover

How dangerous are the following germs that have been detected at a mould-investigation of the dry floor insulating layer (under the floor cover): Actinomycetes, Aspergillus restrictus, Aspergillus versicolor, Wallemia sebi, Acremonium spp., Penicillium spp., Cladosporium, Absidia sp, Blastobotrys, Engyodontium album, Scopulariopsis sp., Mucor sp., Fusarium sp. in the room-air.

spores of mould fungi can be found everywhere: it is important that the concentration in the room air is not too high - when working on such a floor cover however (taking it out or something like that) one has to consider an increased pollution of the air with them and everybody should make preparations. Especially a CF patient should not do those works.
Even if one can say: what is under the floor can not bother me, one can not leave it like this: because the mould got somehow there - probably it is going to be humid there from time to time and the fungi are able to spread again - therefore one has to get down to the root of the trouble if one wants to be on the safe side.
Yours sincerely,
Prof. Dr. TOF Wagner