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Pseudmonas in the snow - snow cannons

Dear Dr. Kahl,
in snow cannons Pseudomonas germs are added in order to snow the ski-runs. How is the danger for CF patients?
Many thanks for your answer
Dear questioner,
a for sure interesting question. I first had to inform myself about the aritficial snowing with snow cannons and have found two different statements. 1. An article in the newspaper that states that killed Pseudmonas syringae strains should be in the medium "snowmax", that is used with snow cannons. 2. An information of the company that produces "Snowmax", which reports, that a protein of this germ (enzyme) is used as a help for getting the snow in snow cannons. It doesn't matter which variant is the truth, if killed bacteria or the protein of the bacteria, both varaints do not represent a problem for CF patients.
I hope, you go on having fun in the winter
Yours sincerely,
Barbara Kahl