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Do man and women with CF have normal fertility ?
Thanks for your question. Cystic fibrosis (CF) has indeed an impact on fertility. During a normal menstrual cycle the uterine changes under the hormonal influence of estrogen. The days around the ovulation, the mucus becomes more liquid, allowing the sperm cells to pass easily so fertilization can occur.
In female cystic fibrosis patients the uterine mucus remain thick during the whole menstrual cycle reducing the chances of successful fertilization. Additionally, the normal menstrual cycle and ovulation may be disturbed due to being underweight.
It may therefore be more difficult for a female CF patient to become spontaneously pregnant. Although CF reduces the changes of fertilization, women with CF are not infertile. Therefore women with CF without pregnancy wish should take contraception.
Fertility may thus be decreased in CF woman and if a CF patient is not pregnant after 6-12 months, fertility treatment may be considered.
Under the item ‘infertility’ [and under Topics--> reproduction--> question "fertility"] you can find more questions/answers on male fertility and CF.
Kind regards
K. De Boeck