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Stones in the liver II

Dear Prof. Dr. Bargon!
Many thanks for your extended answer.
Only 2 things are not clear to me:
1. The by you mentioned drug "ursodeoxycolic acid" should only be used with a totally intact gall bladder. Mine has been taken away however in 1999.
2. Is it possible - as far as I am allowed to take the drug in spite of the missing gall-bladder - to get it in a synthetic form on the market? I would rather die than to contribute to the torture of the black bears!
Many thanks again for your efforts with me.
to your questions:
1: As "urso" leads to a positive change of the composition of the bile acids and one hopes with that to improve the congestion in the Bile ducts, one can take ursodeoxycolic acid also, if the gall bladder has been removed. Therefore: no problem.
2. The "urso" that is available to us has been produced synthetically, therefore you need not to fear. It is known that the synthetically produced one is even better and cleaner than that, that was taken out of the bears, which makes this torture of animals even senseless. But the believe in that in some Asian countries that it helps leads to the fact, that it is still done.
Yours sincerely,
Prof. Dr. Joachim Bargon