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Dear expert team,

My daughter (19 years) who has CF was diagnosed by the gynecologist with a „polypoid alteration” at the cervix. Subsequently, my daughter was sent to the hospital for tissue collection in order to exclude a malignant alteration (the gynecologist was not able to classify the alteration). In the hospital they only diagnosed “mucus” and it was recommended to have it removed by lasing; they said this was done frequently.

I read in your forum that cervical mucus in CF patients occurs frequently and therefore I wanted to ask if it makes sense and is recommended to have it removed by lasing or if the mucus forms again after a short while.

Thanks for you answer.
Dear questioner,

Unfortunately, such a question can hardly be answered from a distance if one has not seen the alteration with the own eyes. However, it is not necessary at all to have the mucus removed by lasing since it forms time and again of course. In each woman (also non-CF) who is ready for reproduction a so called cervical ectopy is formed which sometimes results in an increased production of mucus. If this does not bother the patient it not necessary to do anything. If it is bothersome the mucous membrane could be lasered superficially (however, it forms again frequently).
If it is a tissue alteration with a suspicious smear a histological check should be done by collecting a sample and then decide how to proceed (e.g. removal of the alteration by lasing).

I hope to have been helpful with the answer.

Dr. A.-U. Stücker