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Scuba diving and CF

Dear expert team,

I am 30 years old and have CF, although with good lung function and hardly any problems with my disease. In the summer I would like to take a scuba diving course. My girlfriend thinks it might be dangerous because I would have to rent a breathing machine. How do you evaluate this problem? Is this really dangerous due to an infection? Do you see any problems with scuba diving in general?

Many thanks.

despite all fascination scuba diving offers, it also bears some relevant health risks. This is especially true for persons with a pre-existing lung condition.

It is really pleasing to hear that, at age 30, you have such good lung function and no other CF-related complications. Nevertheless we know by now, especially through using computer tomography (so-called ct thorax), that even without clinical signs, a lot of CF patients already have hyperinflation and cyst formation in certain areas of their lungs. Since the air is compressed during scuba diving and expands while divers rise to the surface, captivated air can cause the lung tissue to tear (so-called pneumothorax). CF patients generally run a higher risk of pneumothorax, which is a particular threat during scuba diving.

A British Thoracic Society guideline on scuba diving (BTS guidelines on respiratory aspects of fitness for diving. Thorax 2003;58:3-13) explicitly points to the risks for CF patients mentioned above. Equally, a guideline by the European Cystic Fibrosis Society (ECFS) to be published shortly that gives recommendations for travelling and holiday sports, explicitly advises against diving with pressure cylinders (scuba diving). Ultimately, you will have to make your decision after weighing the risk. In any case, I recommend consulting your treating doctor in advance, who will recommend additional examinations if necessary.

Kind regards

TO Hirche