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Problems in high temperatures


do CF patients suffer from heat more strongly than "normal" healthy people, and if so, are there any particular recommendations apart from those applicable to everyone (drinking a lot, no sports outside, etc.)? Perhaps increased inhalation or something similar?

Many thanks.

the increased salt content in the sweat of CF patients does indeed also increase the problem with liquids in high temperatures. The fact that the feeling of thirst does not work so well is particularly difficult. Therefore, in high temperatures, CF patients should not only drink even if they do not feel thirsty, but they should absolutely also pay attention to sufficient salt intake. There are a lot of sports energy drinks that do contain salt, but you can also achieve this goal at much lower cost by adding salt to your own drinks.

If you cannot get these drinks down, you could particularly also think about salt tablets, which dissolve only in the intestines and therefore do not taste unpleasantly salty.

Kind regards
Prof. Dr. TOF Wagner