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Nasal douche

Dear expert team!

Our son (7) has a nasal polyp on one side. Currently, it is treated conservatively… our CF doctor supports regular nasal douches. Our ENT physician is against it since he thinks that the mucus might be mixed with bacteria and then might run to other areas.

Which are the benefits and which the inconvenients of the nasal douche? Many thanks,


According to our recommendations the conservative treatment of nasal polyps would include a long-term therapy with topical steroids (e.g. Nasonex, Avamys or Budesonid nasal spray). While polyps of allergic patients respond even better to these cortisones (the dosage is so minimal that you do not have to worry about systemic side effects), very positive effects can also be seen in CF.

If you consider the measures of precaution that I describe in the answer to the question “Nasal shower after all rather harmful?”/22.04.2010 [please use the SEARCH function at the right hand of the screen], the nasal douche is helpful to get rid of secretion and crusts. Usually, nasal douches can be done from about 6 to 8 years of age onwards.

Good luck,
Dr. Jochen Mainz, Jena