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Question concerning hygiene with nasal spray


via the search function I have just got the information, that it would be the best to buy products such as nasal sprays in the pharmacy.

I use nasal shower and recently bought a sole sea water nasal spray in the drugstore. In the package leaflet it was written, that the spray should be used for no longer than 6 weeks.

Now I am worried, that germs could raise within this time (Pseudmonas or others). What is your opinion about this?
Can one ever use the spray without worries and if yes, how long?

Many thanks for your answer.

In case of impaired self-clearance of the airways, like it is the case in CF, I would not exceed the named periods of usage for watery solutions. According to the preparation, duration of usage for opended sprays is declared from 4-12 weeks, which should be achieved by adding preservatives.

The modern nose-spray applicators should avoid the back-flow of secretions into the spray, however the tip of the applicator, which is brought into the nose, can certainly be colonized with germs. Therefore I would prefer shorter times of usage in CF, like 2-4 weeks, even if there are no studies on this topic. This question is of special importance, in case we have to deal with the eradication of problematic germs like MRSA or Pseudomonas aeruginosa from the upper airways.

Dr. Jochen G. Mainz