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Way of action nasal spray


In the internet pharmacy there are 2 different sprays:
one with the substances dexpanthenol 10mg, sea water 250mg/ml
one with the substances natriumchloride-solution, isotonic 1ml/1ml.
What is the difference between those 2 in their way of action and can both be used for a longer period of time?

I have massive problems with the formation of crusts and barks since the last operation of polyps 8 years ago. According to the recommendation of the ENT-doctor I use a drug with the substances verbena, elderflower, sorrel and primrose blossoms and use the nasal shower. Which of the 2 sprays you would recommend to me?

Many thanks for your answer

dexpanthenol is converted in the body to panthothen acid (vitamin B5). This plays a role in the metabolism of the skin with increasment of the humidity of the skin. Care features are attributed to it with improvment of the elasticity of the skin and improvment of the regeneration. Furhtermore it is said to relieve itching, inhibit inflammations and support the healing of wounds. Possible side-effects are irritations of the skin and contact allergies.

I have no comparative data on both preparations. You can find out with which nose care preparation you feel a better effect.
To get rid of crusts, secretions and barks the usage of the nasal shower with 250ml isotonic or mild hypertonic - respectively buffered salin can be more sensible, probably also the inhalation with vibrating aerosoles via the Pari Sinus.

Dr. Jochen G. Mainz