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Kluyvera ascorbata in the sputum

in my last sputum sample there were besides Staphlococcus aureus and Aspergillus fumigatus the above mentioned bacteria.
My treating physician thinks that waiting would be the right decision, until the next sputum sample. The symptoms I have did not change.
I never heard anything about this bacterium. Could you give me some information about it?
Many thanks
Dear questioner,
Kluyvera ascorbata is an aerob, gram-negative bacterium, that belongs to the family of the Enterobacteriacea. This is a group of bacteria to which also species like E. coli or Klebsiella spp. belong to and that are common in the environment (ground, water) and also in the gut of human beings, for example.
In the literature, there are no reports about this bacterium in connection with respiratory infections of patients with CF. In general, Klyuvera ascorbata is seldom the cause of an infection. In case of non-CF patients infections of the skin/soft tissue, the urinary tract or the blood are described.
In your case I consider the proposal of your treating physician to be very good. The single finding of this bacterium in case of non-changing symptoms is often without clinical significance and one can check with the next sputum sample, if the bacterium is still there.
As mentioned, the bacterium is until now not known as a cause of infection in case of CF patients.
Best regards,
Jörg Steinmann