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Intake of Trikafta (Kaftrio/Kalydeco)
- Question
- Dear experts,
I have heard, that some patients change the intake of Trikafta (Kaftrio [Elexacaftro/Tezacaftor/Ivacaftor]/ Kalydeco [Ivacaftor]).
Instead of taking 2 pills of Kaftrio in the mornings and 1 pill of Kalydeco in the evenings, they take 1 pill of Kalydeco in the mornings and 2 pills of Kaftrio in the evenings.
Are there any concerns about this?
I have the impression that I cannot sleep after having taken Kalydeco (Ivacaftor). Therefore I think of changing the intake or leaving out the evening intake of Kalydeco at all.
Many thanks for your answer - Answer
- Dear patient,
after contacting the producing company and also after consulting other CF experts, there are no concerns regarding the switch of the morning and evening intake of Trikafta (Kaftrio/Kalydeco). Therefore you can try that, but we dehort from leaving out the eventing dosage, as the drug will be not effective due to the pharmacocinetics.
Best regards,
Daniela d'Alquen - 15.02.2021