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Vaccination against Pseudomonas

Dear ladies and gentlemen,
are there any vaccinations available against Pseudomonas aeruginosa in CF patients?
Dear questioner,
there is a review written by Prof. Burkhard Tümmler (please see literature below) from the year 2019, that deals with all possible therapeutic options against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, also the vaccination is mentioned. I would like to provide you with information from this paper.
At present, there is no licensed vaccine against Pseudomonas, even if in the 1990s a vaccine for immunisation of Pseudomonas-negative CF patients has been developed in Switzerland. In the course of 4-6 years observation after the vaccination, a lower rate of infections with Pseudomonas has been found.
A few years later, a group of researchers around Prof. Dörin could show for another vaccine (Flagellum-vaccine), that CF patients had a reduced risk of an infection with Pseudomonas due to this vaccine. Furhtermore there has been research on another antigen for vaccination, the so-called OprF-OprI outer membrane fusion protein, that appeared to be a promising candidate for inducing also a specific antibody response in the lung. This vaccine has been tested in a large, double-blind-randomised, placebo-conrolled study with 800 patients, who were ventilated on ICU (phase II and III), with 52 European CF-centres that took part in it. In spite of good immunity and acceptable security the goals of the study could not be achieved, which was disappointing and therefore there is at the moment no licensed vaccine on the market.
Nevertheless there is some encourining data with other vaccine antigens. These antigens have been tested so far only in a mouse-model and are therefore quite far away from market authorization. The cited article is about research in the mouse-model, that hasn't come to testing in humans so far.
Best regards,
Daniela d'Alquen for Ecorn-CF

B. Tümmer: "Emerging therapies against infections with Pseudomonas aeruginosa", F1000Research 2019,8(F1000Faculty Rev):1371 Last updated: 07 AUG 2019